Barely Missed It

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5,411 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

At least he got his fingers on the bar, to bad he didn't get a good grip. He would have spared himself the agony of breaking an arm.

  • kkkracker January 27, 2007

    You win bag_diddy, I have a very strong feeling that you have no job and no life so therefore can outpace me in the back and forth name calling game. Since you are THE "official grammar police" earn your chalupas and correct this: Waht ar the first three words in evry Mexican cookbok? "Steal a chiken" So when you find time between gangbangin', detailing your El-camino and beating the shit out of your wife for burning the rice drop me line, you his n her 'PANIC biiiiiiiatch!!!

  •   big_daddy305 January 25, 2007

    Hey KKKracker... you got me pegged all wrong homo.. drop and give you what? fucking closet beach fag... I'm not a cracker.. I'm not black... I'm hispanic. get it right. And who told you that I'm the "unofficial" anything? I get paid to correct fools like you. I'm what you might want to call.. "the grammar police". Maybe you should ask someone else to suck your pussy.. you bitch...

  • vamazed January 25, 2007

    what a dumbass!!

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