Nasty ATV Wreck

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7,175 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

That was a pretty far drop. I'm sure that little stunt cost him a couple of broken bones.

  • dee_snutz February 21, 2007

    Another one Bits the dust!

  • hatedogs February 16, 2007

    "They should have jumps like that in the Daytona 500 to make it even more interesting!" MORE interesting, you ass fucker? What's forty times zero, you puke? If you want interest, charge every twenty-five or so fire extinguishers with avation gas, like I said before. That might cause me to record the race from TV, but I still wouldn't go. Too many toothless trailer-dwellin', dog lovein' repo men for my taste.

  • hatedogs February 16, 2007

    Hahahahahaha! Associatates finance company ain't gonna get the payments on the ATV, the fucker's used trailer, the fucker's used 4WD, not to mention his big screen TV. I hoope they fucked him good for some credit life. This video made me very sad because the fucking flagmen got off light. I wanted to see one of those fuckers go down eating a sprocket.

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