Burning Down The House

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4,125 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

You know how it is. Have a couple of friends over, one thing leads to the next and BOOM!!!! There goes your house.

  • deadwatcher March 7, 2007

    Fuckin meth lab,LOL,that's fuct up

  • pablosdog February 26, 2007

    maybe Jay D. could use his uberexpensive video editing software to make that a little more interesting.

  •   big_daddy305 February 26, 2007

    1tothedome wrote:

    I understand crashtest. I grew up on a farm and I liked to climb up the ladder inside the grain bins when they were about half full and jump down into the corn. Its pretty much the same thing. Its lots of fun. You get a big dick stuck in your cornhole and then you have to wiggle it out. Good times

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