Motorcycle Stunt Compilation

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6,279 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

Some of these guys are pretty good and some just suck big hairy balls. Isn't that always the case?

  • pablosdog March 8, 2007

    You ^^ are the only one who saw something in reverse Dr. Einstein. hahahahahahaha!!

  • beej04 March 7, 2007

    first of all these "tricks" are pretty much a joke, if you wanna see good ones theres like nationals for this kinda shit....second of all, i cant believe they had the balls to put up that last clip that they CLEARLY had in rewind.....yeah like some asshole is going to be goin 50 miles an hour in reverse while riding a wheely on his back wheel....its simply physics people, that is not possible. PEACE

  • 1tothedome March 5, 2007

    I dont like to see anybody get hurt but I know alot of these guys cry like little girls when they get a scatch on their bikes. Makes me laugh everytime.

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