Short Trip

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4,698 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

This is a small but humorous clip. I imagine this it what would happen to me if I were to try and ski somewhere.

  • commoneagle March 19, 2007

    cross out the word stick.. i above comment... also i only bitch at ones i care about thus all mankind is subject to getting a peice of my mind and yes i have enough to go round... 145 was last iq test and i was sleeeeepie..... got my nuclear as bush would say new clear designation for navy after parttyin all night... yep i can't spell or edit these comments but i can build a nu clear bomb...

  • commoneagle March 19, 2007

    you know these comments are for shits and giggles don't you.... i love all mankind even those who act b4 thinking and stick have bad cases of foot in mouth disease.

  • commoneagle March 19, 2007

    _dog8 wrote:

    FLY AWAY FUCKING EAGLE!!!!! t...................

    if i left and flew the crazy shit coop then who would show you dipshits the err of your short sited thinking and provide you with commentary on how assumtion makes you a fool and stero typing makes you a bigot and how stupid comments are a common as magpies and eagles are free to fly anywhere in the usa but when you say us and speak for others and not have any idea of the accuracey of your comment your a flat out dumshit stero typing asshole oops did i get carried away is that what you ment by fly away or fly off the handle which wich is what anyhowway... i can out wit any nit wit who crosses my path guarenteed.


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