The Week In Lovely Shit

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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
7,247 Views 1 decade ago Week in Crazy [Archived]

It's been a great week filled with love and excitement which was immediately halted by a car smashing through a sidewalk full of pedestrians. I would complain but those videos are my favorit... Show more

  • peoplevshoople February 16, 2008

    All I was simply saying was It seems that you felt they should have chose another comment of the week . If you replied to the clips instead of making yourself look like a first class ass which is easy for you then maybe you could add some humor to the clips and they would have a better variety fucktard!!!

  • peoplevshoople February 16, 2008

    ^^As I said in the forums; The only person that finds you funny, is you. Take your bullshit there, and keep it there.

  • 4kinghell February 16, 2008

    ^^ As I said in the forums: The only person that finds you funny, is you. Take your bullshit there, and keep it there.

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