More m,oney than brains

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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
12,481 Views 1 decade ago Funny

Your looking at the reason people can't have fun any more. People with more money than they know what to do with go and fuck things up for others with common sense. Why don't we permanently ... Show more

  •   ouch February 24, 2008

    i didn't think the day would come when we ran out of cool shit to post! I was so wrong!

  • 4kinghell February 23, 2008

    That was the greatest video I have seen ever. In other news, Castro was revived last night 3 months after he died, and Alan Ackbar declared that he sucked Jesus off.

  • hatedogs February 23, 2008

    " Why don‘t we permanently assign a nanny to these idiots at let everyone else do as they please." That's a pretty good idea 'cause it would probably be cheaper than our current fault/tort system.

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