Lady eats shit returning shopping cart

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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
23,625 Views 1 decade ago Funny

Nothing like rushing through the rain only to fall on the ground and get even more wet than you ever possibly could. Besides why the fuck was she returning the cart in the first place?

  • hatedogs August 4, 2008

    "Besides why the fuck was she returning the cart in the first place?" Exactly. You're supposed to look around the parking lot for some asshole with a front wheel drive foreign piece of shit with a big fucking exhause tip and try to slam the cart into the little shit buggy hard enough to knock the glued-on "spoiler" loose.

  • shimmery315 August 3, 2008

    if we clean up our own messes and put up our own carts that will mean even less jobs in America, so be lazy it's the patriotic thing to do.

  •   ouch August 3, 2008

    I love stupid people

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