Hill + Ice + SUV = Smash!

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18,426 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

It has been awhile since we had a ice covered crash on crazyshit. I'm glad I can fill the void where that hole has been. There is nothing better than watching a out of control car go sliding... Show more

  • rodeye2 March 5, 2010

    This looks like a great place for a picnic.

  • joecommonsense March 5, 2010

    Sensi#1 Arabians dont think and drive

    Sensi#2 BMWs defy the laws of nature before the fact.

    Sensi#3 Park in the middle of an icy road and fuck around, see what happens.

    Sensi$4 IF a BMW is coming at you from a 100 yards away with its magical wheels not moving, get the fuck out of the car before impact, you had plenty of time there.

    Sensi#5 if it wasnt for the snow bank to stop the car, that wouldve been the slickest hit and run ever.

  • purplesnake March 3, 2010

    shut tha fuck up tellin me to slow down bitch, this baby has 4 wheel drive......

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