Crazy Asshole At McDonald's

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
22,883 Views 1 decade ago WTF

Probably most people who go to McDonald's end up wrecking the toilet, not the window. But this guy is special. So special that he brought some pepper spray with him to spice things up.

  • malcommeek January 19, 2020

    Walmart needs to step up its game, the crazies are going to McDonald's

  • pussysurveyor March 21, 2014

    The only cure for a puke with a hoodie is a Louieville slugger in the back of the head followd by a stomp to the balls, then a cop broom handle at least four feet up the ass. Then charged with a serious crime just for the fuck of it.

  • biggertalk March 21, 2014

    crazy white dude

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