On The Run with a Skateboard

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15,993 Views 9 years ago Police

It's not a usual sight that someone is running from the police using a skateboard. I think there was actually a movie about it called Gleaming the Cube. This guy basically just carried a ska... Show more

  • noihavetosaythis December 23, 2016

    I am never for the guys in black . . never.

  • dracos December 9, 2014

    if on really smooth ground it is more efficient than running and sometimes a bit faster but you also have to be able to know how to ride. the guy in the video was no Tony Hawk.

  • wisconsinjed December 8, 2014

    This is not a question in jest. Does anyone here know if you actually gain speed using a skateboard instead of running? I know you will lose speed carrying it while running but is it faster than straight running? Please advise. Someone here has to know. Peace!

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