Best stay out of his homies face

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Big Jeff
96,255 Views 9 years ago Fights

Well certain things were learned today. Maybe if you have a cane you shouldn't talk shit. Maybe if you're in a wreck you should stay level less you look like a ass. Lastly, maybe you shouldn... Show more

  • lilsuz December 11, 2015

    Wow. They just did to him what they said for him NOT to do to the other guy. Hypocrite much? Okay, he did deserve it cause he wouldn't stop being punchy. Lesson hopefully learned.

  • handsomedevil April 21, 2015

    younger man just kicked my ass. sincerely, robert hallock "the trucking man."

  •   truckingman April 20, 2015

    Hey, you ASSHOLIC SHIT FUCK did happen to be in one of the trucker's blind spots if so, it is your fault you MF" MOTHER FUCKER!!!!



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