This Is One Bad Ass Chick With a Knife

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46,877 Views 1 decade ago Bad Ass Shit

I think I'm in love. Sure Asian chicks aren't my think, but I think I could make an exception. She would cut you up before you could finish the sentence "Fuck...ugh...Y..O..U"

  • china_mike November 28, 2016 do realize that when you flip a butterfly knife, it's nearly impossible to cut yourself? You're basically just closing and opening the handles over the blade over and over again. The blade itself is never touched, nor hitting or being in contact with your hands. It's all flash.

  • tree88 November 8, 2005

    Her face is ugly, no tits, and pull one of those on me and you are a dead man. I will shoot u......

    U zombiecunt are a pussy, maybe lower that that....Fuck you...and go back to asia.

  • zombiecuthroat October 2, 2005

    and yous with the koala bear comments why are you staring at her face u queers i was staring at her tits and the knife

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