Shh Be Bery Quiet

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14,995 Views 1 decade ago

Maybe the boar is just deaf? I think Jesse picked this video just to get it out of our video bin. So sorry, you had to watch it. But it’s almost over, and you won’t have to see... Show more

  • wicked_m4 November 8, 2006

    Why is he a redneck? He is a HUNTER! He kicked the boar because it was ruining his chances for bagging a whitetail, you dumb mother fuckers.

  • zareste November 11, 2005

    I laughed so hard. Don't worry, those rednecks die slow painful deaths all the time for various reasons. He'll get what he deserves and rot somewhere, and we'll have one more thing to laugh at.

  • redwood418 November 10, 2005

    someone needs to sneek up on him and kick him. fuckin inbred retard.

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