Walk The Line, Don't Cross It

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6,492 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

It would seem that cops are not playing anymore. They will tase your ass for looking at them the wrong way.

  • filobedo May 17, 2006

    get em ponch!

  • pablosdog May 1, 2006

    fuck you guys whinning about the mean old cop. You don't know what the mullet head said. I have run into nothing but good cops my whole life (except one a-hole). If you hate cops, you are probably just a fuck-up anyway. It's amazing how once you stop being an asshole, people stop treating you like one.

  • h421echo May 1, 2006

    i don't get this site i've read alot of how you all want the cops to taser people for nothing, nobody knows what the hillbilly did, i would do it just to do it, i'm sure they can justify it somehow, oh and yes i'm a cop but before you rip on me, i agree with most of you about most cops being dicks and dirty, i personally hate them to. but there are allot of cops that are honest and try there best to do the right things. but it's just a tazer come on thats funny shit.

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