Blown Up Humvee

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9,400 Views 1 decade ago War

Yet another military vehicle blown up for god knows what reason. We just need to pull out our troops. This just sucks.

  • arty2008 July 15, 2008

    You invaded Iraq thinking you would be welcomed boy they are showing you now.

    At least when Saddam was in power he jailed ALL muslim fanatics but a country invaded so all the prisons let everyone free (all the crazies who strap bombs to themselves" At least with Saddam you knew the devil you where dealing with as oposed to Jihadists flooding in from everywere.

    "xbox666138" says pull all our troops out and fucking nuke them. Thats saying your beat which you are a country will never be occupied that doesn't want to ok. Can you imagine say for example China invaded the US every man and boy would be attacking convoys,making ied's you would do exactlly everything iraqis are doing, and yes america has crazy cunts that would saw heads off on tv.

  • xbox666138 January 10, 2007

    pull all our troops out and fucking nuke them

  • unknown June 6, 2006


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