User submitted boobs!!

We had a really good run there for a bit but now we are running short. Give boobs. It's just like giving blood except there are no needles so it is painless. What other excuse do you have? N... Show more

  • mannee March 11, 2009

    some day i hope we get some nice tits

  • copenhagenman March 11, 2009

    and as to the ones who think these are too young or too small---tits don't have to have wrinkles to look good. YAY FOR TITS!!!!

  • copenhagenman March 11, 2009

    hey rocky. you misread me. i was agreeing with you and the others i named. i just said "ditto" instead of "i agree" (which means the same.) sorry you didn't get my drift. I LOVE TITS!!!!!

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