Hard Hat Failure

A hard hat is a must have for any worker in the construction industry.  However, when it comes to getting run over by your boss, a hard hat really doesn't help at all.  They should put all... Show more

  •   rockinron October 25, 2010

    notice the hard hat is still in one piece. maybe if he was waring it he would still be alive!!!

  • valel April 5, 2009

    Wow.really fucked up.......Closed casket.

  • juggalo4ever April 1, 2009

    if he was wearing his saftey helmet he wouldn't have died. Further more he was obviously a victim of police racial profiling a freaking hate crime =3

    If he hadn't been running for the mail box when his welfare check arrived and he had actually taken the time to lace his work boots his family of ten and his ignorant wife wouldn't be starving right now.

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