Where My Dogs At?

Where My Dogs At?
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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
32,764 Views 1 decade ago Animals

It's tough when you have a dog's soul trapped in a human's body. But thanks to modern medicine, surgeons have found a way to give these poor people a taste of the life they were meant to liv... Show more

  • babai February 13, 2011


  • wickedmule February 2, 2011

    There is no way in hell that dog flesh will live on a human. Plus they just sewed it on, no veins and/or nerves were attached. Unless he is a sick fuck (well by the looks of it he is!) who is just going to sport this look for a day. But why risk the infection? But this jerk needs to die anyways. So does the jerk that did the job!

  • lameristotel February 1, 2011

    This is ofcourse fucking wrong and i hate Animal abuse. But really original imo. You can look at it like art.

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