She Beats The Cock And Balls

She's got great tits, fists of fury, and she's going to beat your cock and balls like they owe her money. In fact, I'm pretty certain they do. Twisted fucks like this don't usually get hot g... Show more

  • feedemfish May 19, 2011

    OWWWWWW! make her stop!

  • unknown May 17, 2011

    wtf??? what the hell is she doing out of the kitchen and/or bedroom??? and what kind of master lets his bitch hit their mand hood? man you need to let the bitch know who is the owner of whom

  • rodgtard May 17, 2011

    OUCH OUCH OUCH WHY WHY WHY? Id kick that bitch square in the forehead. Then shit on her chest while she was out just so she could wake up and wonder why.

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