A side of greens please....

...to go with this fine fine steak. Get a nice aged red wine to accent the meal also, say a '79 or'80. But most of all, bring the coke and hookers! After the meal of course...

  •   rockinron December 24, 2012

    damn biggertalk is finally moving up in the world, he's had alot of plus's this month. either that or everyone is just being real nice so santa don't cum down the chimney and fuck their wive's in the ass and leave them coal instead of led flatscreen T.V's

  • dazzza December 23, 2012

    That looks like one fucked up pumpkin with it's teeth knocked out.

  • yomammasass December 23, 2012

    Another no-ass white boy with less ass than usual...

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