Nice ring!

Did it come like that? With the foot-and-a-half of tendons? If so I want one! Damn, that's gotta suck! Thanks for letting it happen though. I haven't seen any pictures like this since I left... Show more

  • twofords September 15, 2016

    So you don't need to search...

    A horrifying accident on the Arcata Plaza left the victim without a ring finger. According to Sgt. Keith Altizer of the Arcata Police Department, a call came in about 4:30 P.M. yesterday afternoon. He explained that a game locals play is to “try to flick quarters” into a flag holder outside of Toby and Jack’s bar. “This subject decided to stuff one in there.” The victim grabbed the holder. As he dropped from the holder, his ring caught and the finger was pulled off. He was taken by ambulance to Mad River Hospital.

  •   rockinron June 23, 2013

    that would have been funny if anyone else had said it, boy.

  • unknown June 23, 2013

    some cartel guy lost his key chain

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