Fatty Loves Her Cockmeat Sandwiches

It's not often that a stripper and a customer fall in love and live happily ever after, but I think these two have a real shot at it. I can just look at them and tell they were meant to be t... Show more

  •   rockinron November 14, 2013

    to be fare, any white woman no matter how fat and ugly, is still a runway model compared to 98% of the black women out there. i mean how much of a turn on is it when the black chick your fucking says "im cumming im cumming" in a voice that sounds like a construction worker!

  • beetzter November 14, 2013

    the mouth from this fatty remember me on a mixer ^o^

  • handsomedevil November 14, 2013

    i'll tell you what is funny, though, if you think about it. it's that whenever you see a white/latino/asian/whatever with a black girl, the black girl is always a beautiful black girl, but whenever you see a black dude with a white girl, 9 times out of ten, that white bitch looks beastly.Lol

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