Some Fine Looking User Ass

Do you remember the other week when I posted what might be the greatest user tits we've ever received? Do you remember the other week when I posted what might be the greatest user tits we've ever received? Here's a little refresher. I asked her if she would kindly send us her ass as well, and she sent three, each in a different pair of panties. Fan-fucking-tastic! Do you see how hard I'm working for you guys to get all this fine user tits and ass posted? Do you think I enjoy chatting with sexy women from all over the world and having them send me provocative pictures of themselves? Of course I do. That's why my job is so much cooler than yours. Anyway, big thanks to this awesome woman for coming through once again and hooking us all up with boners. Show more

  • snikwad75 February 18, 2014

    Get behind that and try having a bad day

  • solidbriscoe February 18, 2014

    Thank you, woman.

  • biggertalk February 18, 2014

    You're welcome CS, my gf delivers again.

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