Weight Capacity Exceeded

Would you help this fat fuck if you watched him tip over like this? I sure as fuck wouldn't. I have zero sympathy for fat lazy fucks who eat themselves into a motor chair and then go buy a c... Show more

  •   rockinron March 26, 2014

    ok ok i fucked up. i forgot to take my stupid pill yesturday. im better today though, my cramps have quit and the voices in my head told me to not track down and kill everyone that hates on me. so im good and alls good, and your right sirfartsalot, i no better vthan give a fuck on here. guess i brain farted for a moment. and take it with a grain of salt if you want but i really apreciate fuck tards like you and the rest of the fuck ups on crazyshit. thanks asshole, fuck you later!

  • loulou March 26, 2014

    @rockinron Sorry about your bad luck. I have an extra tampon if you need it.

  • loulou March 26, 2014

    Who ever took this picture is fucking awesome!! To hell with helping that fat retarded fuck, it's better to laugh your ass off and take pictures for Crazyshit!! I would have done the same thing!!

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