Amen Brotha!

Amen Brotha!
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21,557 Views 1 decade ago War

Fuck I heard today that some lady that lost her son in Iraq was outside Bush’s ranch. And he came out and said some bullshit, about how he respects her opinion about the war. What abo... Show more

  • julia_1129 November 4, 2005

    There are many ways to support the troops, but perhaps the best way is to question why they are there in the first place, losing their lives for an unapparent cause. When the government seems to have no clear answers and changing motives we the people should be fighting make their efforts worthy for good. Bush's war is just the leftovers of his fathers vendetta and he is the stupid puppet master killing more Iraqi civilians then Saddam and sending 2000 of our own Americans to death. Meanwhile he spends more time on vacation then any other president in history. He built this war off of fear from 9/11 and terrorism, he fed to the people, and by the way clmns-fan get your fucking head out of Fox news the real bias bullshit and wake up, your brainwashed into being afraid of a country that never posed a major threat, you fed into all that bullshit, oh i guess i'm uneducated tree hugger, but seems i know a lot more about this shit then you, but then again maybe your right, nuke the world, that is such a logical and EDUCATED solution!

    p.s. HELL YEAH

  • rj124 September 6, 2005

    bush is a guilty guilty guilty motherfucker!!! he's the reason for 9/11, the war, gas prices etc.... i say someone should execute the cocky red neck bastard.... anyone else hate that motherfucker like i do .... say HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • mike8putang August 31, 2005


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