Have You Forgotten?

Have You Forgotten?
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7,024 Views 1 decade ago Bad Ass Shit

This trucker made this to remember the victims of 911.

  • oblivion344 April 6, 2010

    this is sick demented and twisted all in one, fuck 911 what happened happened bitch you want to remember some bull shit like that fuck no fuck the patriotism in honoring what some assholes did to take all those peoples lives and wast so much of the American's people attention span to uneccesary news which made me miss my dam morning cartoons i say burn em all burn the world to the ground but fuck it dont take my word for it dick lickers

  • lostmayhem July 19, 2006

    To this day I'm still pist off at my faggot Jew boss

    for making me work and pull orders while the gooks, fat red neck assholes, and this trans sexual faggot Scottish fuck were allowed to sit there and watch the companies tv, when the days of innocents and the feeling of worry free living was just ripped away from us. Everyone should of watched it and seen just

    how powerless carefree, the land of freedom and oppertunity these towel heads took away. That was a day that anyone alive at the can never forget, they I mean the fucking media, and especially the government will never allow us to see the full footage from minute 1 to when the Towers were nothing but a hole in the ground of New York. We got fucked, really really hard. And now we can't even fly without our shoes considered explosives till the TSF clear them that the smell is just our own body smells. When the sign of life changing events kick your faggot jew boss in the mouth and say this is more important than a case of nails and watch in awe and never forget what you saw or what changed your feeling as far as an American citizens freedom is really worth we are not free we wanna think we are but no one is really free, when they call us up for WWIII which looks like its on the horizon remember your not free THEY OWN YOU.

  • blueyedgem75 May 17, 2006

    I think its beautiful ! I have a family member that works at the pentagon. She was a lucky one that made it out ok.

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