On The Way To Practice

On The Way To Practice
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5,422 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

It's safe to say that practice is canceled.

  • revndpimpdaddy July 10, 2006

    Billy Bob forgot to put the car's cigarette lighter back in its socket, instead putting it in the fuel tank...

  • rockybalboa June 30, 2006

    Didn't know you were the goddamn crazyshit admin to ban or delete someone's membershit. I think you are going too far shitcooker. If you don't like something another member says about you, bitch around, insult him/her or just let it go. But don't go talking shit about bannig people because you fucking can't.

  • rockybalboa June 30, 2006

    Beer WAS NOT invented by my german friends. It was invented by a very old civilization: Sumerians. It also extended to Egypt and other grain dependant countries like mesopotamia and Babylon. Germans however, are famous for their mondern brewing achievements and the creation of many beer varieties. YOU HAVE BEEN ENLIGHTENED MY CHILDREN.

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