April 29, 2017

Ever since Trump came into office I get labeled a bigot and a traitor. I'm far from it thought, I'm not a racist I believe we can all get along doesn't matter who you are, but when people want to declare blacks as all as criminals or white people are racist then no. I'm not for that I honestly believe we're better than that I think we can all get past political views and start enjoying what matters... Boobs no matter the color they are

  • thebutcher18 April 29, 2017

    Amen and Halleluja!

  •   jewman April 29, 2017

    man fuck that shit

  •   happyjack April 29, 2017

    @kungfu who's labeling you those things, and why? You been wearing a "build that wall" t-shirt? Jk

    But there's nothing wrong with trump tightening up our borders. Illegal immigrants don't have a right to be here. If a person snuck in here and they aren't arrested they won't be deported. If they are arrested there's a chance they will be. That's the chance they take when they sneak into a place that they don't have permission to be at.

    I don't have a problem with extreme vetting of individuals who come from or near radical Islamic countries. The same people who are welcoming these refugees with open arms will be the same ones who'll blame trump or someone else when we are hit with another terrost attack here on our soil.

    Isis is already here in America. They just haven't done anything crazy yet, but it would be naive to think that they aren't plotting away to kill Americans as we speak.

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