May 10, 2017


  •   jewman May 10, 2017

    ahhh first, and this is what i like to say when i nut fucking my bitch

  •   redpig May 10, 2017

    Fucking Brexit, I'm tired of hearing it, bastard elections, I'm tired of them and all those arsewipe politicians.

    Including the EU commission​ fuckwits.

    enough said.

  •   truckingman May 10, 2017

    I have finished creating one of my 'smoker inserts,' for my bee smoker, and I will be testing it out today at six pm when it is a little cooler out side. Also, I am going to take some pictures and footage of my bees for the bee club meeting tomorrow night to show my fellow beekeeper the progress that my bees have gained since I had installed them into my hive. I will try to give a report on how this 'smoker insert' performed later today. If I can not give the report on 'smoker insert' today, I will post it tomorrow in the blog. I hope this 'smoker insert' while perform its' job for my beekeeping hobby.

    Sincerely, Robert Hallock

    the truckingman.

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