March 12, 2017

For the past 8 months I've had a thing for sleeping with my feet on the corner of the head board, yes I sleep backwards on my bed, my feet would be asleep when I would wake up, now for the past 2 months I can't feel my toes starting to worry but bah, same thing happened with my left hand when I was 23 and one day feeling starting to come back slowly and now its back to normal , I'd go to a doctor if a gave a shit, as long as my pecker still works I'm a-ok

  •   jewman March 12, 2017

    if your a so called conservative what is it that you are trying to conserve? trump and his administration have there millions upon billions of dollars while at the expense of our rivers and planet. or are you a tin foil robot programmed by a few mystical enchanting words like fake news and the wall will solve problems. Actually the wall is make the cartel drug runners richer men . b4 trump i would pay $40 for a t now i pay $80 and the wall hasnt been built. I think i will be quiting when it gets built. by the looks he is creating more problems than solving them. inflation is going up and prices are skyrocketing. Thank you trump and your team of ex ceos and business owners for making us pay more and making you richer. Where are the american stuff he said was going to compete i still see chinese crap that is getiing expensive. soon they will change 99cent store to $10 dollar store i believe.

  • hayleybear March 12, 2017

    oi I like MR TRUMP........... you still get a plus as you do make me laugh .....

  •   happyjack March 12, 2017

    @DaveG that sounds like it would be hard on your back too.

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