No Pain...

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5,831 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

This is what you get when you cross a compound fracture and a pussy. A whole lot of yelling.

  •   rockinron April 1, 2010

    oh and that bones as broke as tiger woods nigger ass when the chicks get done sueing him in a couple years

  •   rockinron April 1, 2010

    hey johndoe781. naturally you dont understand it. your a fuckin porch monkey !! the man new you wouldnt he was exspessing himself to the inteligent people here,, you know, the white folks!! so do everyone a favor and go fuck some fat white chick that no white gu would be seen dead with. and then go brag to yo homies how she so phat!! im just in fucking awe that you an actually run a computer. whats that you dont know that big word? a computer is that machine you type on and tell yo homies how yous chat on yo CB radio wit da type writer on it.

  • eastbrownn December 21, 2009

    Just don’t call 911 on a cell phone. Here in LA, emergency services cannot location trace a cell call. So cell calls are automatically given lowest priority. They’ll answer, but it might take several tries/minutes.

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