Let me introduce you to the toughest man on the internet

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21,485 Views 1 decade ago Funny

Ladies and gentleman, this is probably the toughest man on the internet. From the fact that he doesn't have time for this and he's all about making money. He also has Patron for blood. That'... Show more

  • travass September 2, 2011

    i take it this garlic sweating wop has the dvd set of jersey shore bc i think hes trying to imitate snooki i coould b wrong nigger nick but i dnt think u need to worry bout this situation

  • maverick21 March 18, 2010

    lol i became a memeber just to rip this monkey who claims patron is in his blood, but clearly due to the color of fluid in the bottle it must be the urine of the shirtless boob behind him. nick shouldnt be scared typical jersey shore wanna be tough guy who hangs out with shirtless dudes drinking piss.....WAIT BE VERY AFRAID

  • threegreentits September 18, 2009

    Never mind the pussy up front...who's the cupcake in the background with the shades?

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