Another Scooter Goes Under The Wheels

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
18,292 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

That scooter rider should know better than to cruise next to a big truck like that. That's just asking for some death. Well, he got it.

  • ghosthunter January 31, 2013

    Ive been trucking for over 26 years.. And there are idiots all over this world.. Just be thankful most of them are in China and russia..

  •   rockinron January 31, 2013

    i grew up around a farm. seems like every week we would play sail cat frisbee with the dogs. for those city folk that don't know what a sail cat is. it's a cat thats been hit by 20 or 30 cars and slides off the road and cooks in the summer sun for a few days. it becomes flat and hard as a rock. you can sail that thing 30-40 yards like a frisbee and the dogs love the game!! we would get 5-6 sail cats every summer because the farm was on a nice flat paved road. lmao

  •   dozer67 January 31, 2013

    stupid question, do they need a license to ride a scooter in China?

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