At Least His Whole Face Wasn't Eaten

Here's a recent picture of the guy in Miami who's face was eaten by a drugged up loony. It s... Show more

  • yomammasass June 16, 2012

    Anyone think the guy may have got his face chewed cos he looked like Josef Fritzl?

  • ohwickedwendi June 15, 2012

    @celtickhan--get off your soapbox, asshat....we'll talk about bad situations when the government or county won't give you the resources you need to raise an autistic son and see him reach his full fucking potential. The ex husband abused the son (why he's my ex), and ran off with his crack-whore girlfriend, so don't you DARE preach to me about bad circumstances. You just lost any and all respect I my have had for your dumb ass.

  • ryublood June 14, 2012

    So how's Hannibal doing?

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