How Many Calories Is Your Dress?

If you want to see her naked, just stick around for a about 15 minutes. I don't think she can go much longer than that without eating, and the longer she wears that cheese, the tastier it is... Show more

  • harly9 March 20, 2015

    Got a chubby from the GTO. Nothing from the chick.

  • pussysurveyor November 17, 2013

    "lady get your cheese covered ass off the classic car for christs sake!" Yeah, before that hunk of GM shitmobile rusts off and falls on your toes. What ever happened to carpuke? He had some Pontiac (poor ole nigger thinks it's a Cadillac) himself. What a texas asshole (whoops, a redundancy) he was.

  • eat3beans November 16, 2013

    There's a button she hits and all the cheese goes in her butt

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