Big User Titties

We got some big user titties for you today, and they might be the last we get for the year. Unless you folks out there do something about it. Find a pair of boobs, write crazyshit on them, a... Show more

  • sparkles January 1, 2015


  • sparkles December 29, 2014

    Well I'm not a VIP member anymore so I can say what I want! I've seen better tits on a pregnant dog! BAHAHAHA! N shit lady I wouldnt be showing my tits like that on crazyshit! I'd be embarrassed! Christ! Put those saddlebags back in your blouse! Flapjacks anyone??? LOL!

  • john72 December 29, 2014

    Thanks kindly for posting them, we don't get enough any more. They look great x

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