What Was On Your Mind

Wonder what he was thinking when he decided to ride a moped without a helmet. Not that it would have mattered but at least his brains would have not been splattered all over the street. This... Show more

  • mr.voorhees March 24, 2017

    Like a broken glass of strawberry marmelade.

  •   maddog123 March 25, 2016

    The only bike I ride now most of the time is my Harley on San Andrea the game call me a pussy but these sites have open my eyes to what can happen on those things last time I rode my bike month ago it was like I was in a game dodgeing fucking people fucking dogs about chewed of my fucking leg and cops still hate our fucking guts,I still and always will belong to a biker club and I wear my patches so that makes me a fucking target with certain county's here I'm getting old,am old so fuck it guess I will just stay home drive you fuckers crazy and my ole cat fucker.

  •   goodster March 24, 2016


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